Why Working Out with a Personal Trainer Is a Good Idea

1. Motivation

On an off day, it’s easy to justify skipping a planned gym day. Not so if you have a personal trainer. Just knowing someone is there waiting for you is enough to get out the door to exercise on a regular basis, even when your motivation is lacking. Once you step foot inside the gym, a personal trainer will encourage you, mark your progress, and help you develop the mental toughness to stay motivated and give everything you have while working out. If you struggle with motivation before or during a workout hiring a personal trainer can help you find the encouragement and motivation you need.


2. Education

No matter how long you’ve been working on your personal fitness, chances are your personal trainer knows more than you do about getting and staying in shape. Whether you’re brand new to the gym or have been going for years, a personal trainer can teach you something new about toning and shaping your body.

3. Avoid Injury

Having someone there to help you while working out can help you avoid injury. Your personal trainer knows how to perform the exercises correctly and can spot your form, making corrections and suggestions as necessary. Your personal trainer will challenge you but not push you beyond your capacity and will be able to monitor you for signs of exhaustion and scale things back to avoid injury. 

4. Set Goals

Exercise has a number of benefits, from lowering blood pressure to boosting mental health. But you aren’t going to see any changes without setting a specific goal and working toward it. A personal trainer will help you set a goal for your exercise. Do you want to lose weight? Gain muscle tone? Train for a race? Do 15 pull-ups? A personal trainer can help you identify goals and develop an individualized program to get you there—and hold you accountable along the way.

5. Variety

Tired of doing the same old’ fitness routine every time? Personal trainers will teach you new moves and design new programs to surprise and challenge you, keeping you on your toes and taking the boredom and repetition out of exercise. Working out with a personal trainer can keep things fresh, fun, and interesting. Even more, personal trainers make sure to address all areas of physical fitness for a well-rounded training program.

6. Personalization

Everyone is different. Are you a new parent? Recently recovering from surgery? A marathon runner? Or a complete newbie to exercise? Every level of fitness and life stage has unique needs and challenges. Whether you have a bum knee or a six-pack, A personal trainer can customize a fitness program that fits your lifestyle and meets you where you are. The trainer will watch your form, teach you modifications, and monitor how you are progressing, while suggesting changes to your program and helping you set and meet goals unique to your personal situation and fitness level


7. Friendship

Personal trainers are professionals—but they connect with their clients on a personal level as well. Express your concerns inside and outside the gym, and you’ll find a listening ear and a friend who’s willing to help you work through your problems and help you let off some steam. They care about your overall well being and will help you any way they can, even if it is just by listening.  

Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level? Sign up for a Next Phase Studio certified personal trainer. Find our nearest location and come to Next Phase Studio today.

Andy Schaefer